💡 Did you know the majority of people have mineral deficiencies?
🚨 Only these deficiencies*won't* be picked up by your bloodwork!
👀 Why not?
🩸 Your blood is a homeostatic fluid - meaning our bodies will prevent any changes to the minerals in your blood, as it's a critical fluid to keep within a tight range.
👉🏼 What happens instead, is that the body uses minerals from your body's storage, to keep your blood stable and in the meantime, at a cellular level, you become deficient in key minerals.
❌ Blood work should therefore not be relied upon to understand your mineral levels!
Signs of mineral imbalances include:
- Frequently getting sick or feeling burnt out
- Muscles aches and pains
- Headaches or migraines
- Sore and achey muscles
- Poor digestion like reflux/heartburn
- Feeling cold all the time
- Constipation
- Burnout, fatigue
- Restless legs
- Sleep issues/insomnia
- Joint pain
- High or low blood pressure
- PCOS, fatty liver, pre-diabetes
- Unwanted weight gain
- Heart palpitations
- Feeling weak, faint or exhausted
- Slow wound healing
Hair Tissue Mineral analysis is the most effective way to look at 2-3 month's worth of your body's use and storage of important minerals that are used to run your body effectively and optimally!
This testing package includes the HTMA (hair mineral testing via a hair sample from the back of your head), a 60-minute results visit and a customized plan to rebalance your minerals!
$399 + tax.
Why EVERYONE should have thier minerals tested...
The impact of minerals on our health is undeniable.
As the spark plugs of every cellular function and action that happens in the body, these important minerals are critical for optimal health. Just take a peek at what symptoms can arise when your minerals are less than optimal.
Thyroid Issues
Calcium and potassium are needed to regulate your thyroid, which controls metabolism. Without these, you'll gain weight, be cold all the time and have thinning hair, constipation and/or depression as a result.
Poor adrenal function
Sodium is utilized by your adrenal glands to make cortisol. When it's high or low, it can tell us that your adrenals (energy, drive and stress resilience) are decreased and a constant struggle.
Lowered Immunity
Zinc is critical to optimal immune function and is in a unique relationship to copper. We need both of these in optimal amounts to fight colds/viruses and not be susceptible to illness.
When minerals like copper are deficient or calcium is in excess, you could experience anything from an angry rage to feeling numbed out. It's not all in your head! It comes down to minerals for many women.
Imbalanced Hormones
Copper that is sub optimal or retained in the body can cause issues with estrogen in the body aswell - leading to PMS, mood swings and estrogen dominance.
Digestive issues
In order to have optimal digestion, you need adequate stomach acid, which requires sodium. Are you getting too much? too little? Using it all up with chronic stress? Let's find out!
Weight gain
When your minerals are imbalanced, it's a stressful thing for your body. Inadequate magnesium, excess calcium and chronic stress will derail your weight-loss hopes. Correct your minerals to improve your thyroid function and drop weight.
Headaches/muscle aches
So many women are experiencing headaches or migraines and are given no solution. Start looking at your minerals to see if a deficiency can be contributing to these common issues.
The good news is that with this mineral testing package can help provide you with answers!
Utilize HTMA (hair) testing to see exactly what is happening with your adrenal glands, thyroid, blood sugar, stress levels, toxic heavy metals, trace minerals and so much more! This is FAR more accurate than a random blood test, as blood is one snap shot VS hair which looks at 2 months of mineral levels in the body!
Can help you understand why you're feeling burnt out, frazzled, fatigued 24/7 or angry, annoyed easily or numb to your emotions OR are having the symptoms listed above that you've tried everything to resolve and can't get on top of
Look at your body's mineral stores of key macrominerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, plus critical factors like zinc & selenium needed for optimal hormone and immune function, PLUS we test for heavy metals like mercury and aluminum that can cause dizziness, headaches and more!
Mail the test straight to your home (return shipping included) plus you'll get an in depth 60 minute results visit breaking down what is happening in your body PLUS a customized mineral rebalancing plan based on your results! 🥳
Questions? Get in Touch!